Progress continues on our addition of five classrooms, an upgraded kitchen, expanded fellowship hall/bible study space, and other improvements.
Building Committee News. The Building Committee is currently working with interior designers from Keller to pick out the finishes for the school classroom additions. That work will be wrapped up next week. The committee is also finalizing details for a groundbreaking ceremony to be held after the 10:30 service on December 11.
Capital Campaign News. Finalization of our application for financing is just waiting on the appraisal and is expected soon. $188,980.32 has been given toward the capital campaign to date, in addition to other funds allocated for the project. Those giving are reminded that more funds received in the early months of the campaign will result in long-term savings, since we will pay less in interest. Pledge forms are available in the office for those who would still like to make a commitment in support of the Growing in Grace expansion.