Building Committee News.
Walls are going up! The students are enjoying watching the construction, and the crews have been very willing to let the kids watch and ask questions. With the school year coming to a close on May 25 we are thinking ahead to how many helping hands we will need over the summer. In the two weeks after school is out, we will need help moving classroom furniture to the gym. In mid to late June, we hope to paint the halls and walls in the current school. There will be a more extensive list of volunteer needs in the near future. Please contact the church office to be added to the volunteer list.
Capital Campaign News.
As of April 30, $364,485 of pledged gifts have been received for the Growing in Grace Capital Campaign, in addition to $49,933 of unpledged gifts and gifts received before the campaign. Thank you for your generous support of this ministry expansion. Our next major payment will be due soon. The more who are able to give their gifts early in the campaign, the more we will save on interest charges.